Sonia gyal

Age: 125
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 5
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
u know i think there both of there love was fare 4 Devdas....paro loved him so much .... but she got married 2 that old guy just because devdas left her and wrote her a letter and dind't care about her....he tought whenever he wants to put her down or slap her he can.....he did not respect what she wanted in a way.....and he came back 4 her because he changed his mind and he wanted 2 meery her.....he even agreed 2 get merried without there parents permission-----but at night when she came 2 him and told him he didn;t care and he said we can't get in a way he was rude and selfish.....and 4 chandermukhi she also loved him and cared about's a whole lot diff story of her's and paro's ...u can't compare her 2 paro ...... so both of there love was fare.......[8)][;)]